Jörn Schnitger Speech Impediment (2025)

1. Recollections of My Time as Organist of Spelman College | Vox Humana

  • Jan 17, 2021 · Joyce Finch Johnson is Professor Emerita of Music and currently College Organist at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, a position she has held since 1955.

  • Joyce Johnson discusses her time as Organist of Spelman College, a historically black women’s liberal arts college in Atlanta, including playing for the wake of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Recollections of My Time as Organist of Spelman College | Vox Humana

2. Notre Dame de Paris- new appointment causes some disquiet

  • Missing: Jörn speech impediment

  • Notre Dame de Paris have announced their new team of organists ahead of the reopening of the Cathedral. https://www.notredamedeparis.fr/nomination-de-quatre-organistes-a-notre-dame-de-paris/ However, the sidelining of long-standing organists Philippe Lefevre (co-titulaire des Grandes orgues) and ...

3. A new 300-year-old organ

A new 300-year-old organ

4. Arp Schnitger and his Work - The Diapason

  • Missing: Jörn speech impediment

  • The Organ Historical Society has announced a newly translated color edition of the book, Arp Schnitger and his Work, by Cornelius H. Edskes and Harald Vogel.

5. Historically-Informed Organbuilding in the United States - Vox Humana

  • Missing: Jörn impediment

  • Paul Fritts discusses the influence of historic northern European organs on his work, and special techniques that he and his colleagues have rediscovered.

Historically-Informed Organbuilding in the United States - Vox Humana

6. Fine Tracker Pipe Organ - appears to be redundant and available fast.

  • Missing: Jörn speech impediment

  • Fine Tracker Pipe Organ - appears to be redundant and available fast.

7. You're the voice - LinkedIn

  • Missing: Jörn speech impediment

  • I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago, lauding the fact that "just the way it is" just doesn't really cut the mustard anymore. No longer can we say that we have to do it X way because that's the way its always been done.

You're the voice - LinkedIn

8. The Organ's Breath of Life - CB Fisk

  • This device precludes any unsteadiness of wind except for vibrations in thetange of the vibrations produced by the pipes themselves.

  • Originally printed in THE DIAPASON, September, 1969, pages 18-19. Copyright THE DIAPASON. Reprinted with permission.

9. The Sound of Gottfried Silbermann, Part 1 - The Diapason

  • The result was the slow, gulping speech and thin fundamental so often heard in early Orgelbewegung movement voicing. The solution to this problem is by now ...

  • Michael McNeil delves into the voicing and sound of Gottfried Silbermann organs.

10. Digital Organ Choice | Page 24 | Magle International Music Forums

  • Missing: Jörn speech impediment

  • I just wonder if this presentation of BuxWV 139: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lzt554rlsY&feature=related is performed on a Kleuker organ. I guess it is a fair comment to make that the intonation and tonal character is very close to the organ I used to hear in Causeway Bay. Certainly, this...

Jörn Schnitger Speech Impediment (2025)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.