Pickens County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2025)

Crime Statistics

According to the Uniform Crime Reporting Data of 2017 published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Pickens County recorded a total of 297 violent crimes and 1,721 property crimes. These figures include 2 murders, 13 robberies, 229 aggravated assaults, 506 burglaries, 10 arsons, and 1005 larceny-thefts. These figures represent a 5.69% decrease in violent crime when compared with figures from 2016. However, when also compared to figures from 2016, Pickens County experienced an 8.44% increase in property crime in 2017.

Criminal Records

The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office maintains criminal records for the county. Interested parties who wish to access these records may do so by contacting this office at 216 C. David Stone Rd, Pickens, SC 29671. Queries can also be made directly to the Sheriff’s Office Records Management Unit at (864) 898-5508. Interested parties may be required to complete a Freedom of Information Act Request Form. The completed form can also be sent to the Sheriff’s Office via email or by mail to:

Pickens County Sheriff’s Office,
ATTN: Records Management Coordinator,
216 C. David Stone Rd.
Pickens, SC 29671

There is a $15.00 per hour fee for the search, retrieval, and processing of these records. Paper copies of documents cost 25 cents per page while CD/DVD copies cost $5 per disk. It should be noted that records that are to be shipped to interested parties may incur extra charges.

How to find sex offender information

The Pickens County Sheriff’s office is responsible for registering all convicted sex offenders residing and/or working in the county. This information is compiled in a Sex Offender Registry which is available to interested parties who wish to access these records and obtain information on sex offenders in the county.

How to find jail and inmate information

The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center handles all queries related to jail and inmate information. Interested parties who wish to obtain this information may do so by querying the Detention Center at (864) 898-5541.

However interested parties who wish to fund inmates’ accounts may do so by utilizing the banking kiosk in the lobby of the Detention Center located at 216 C David Stone Rd, Pickens, SC 29671. Inmates’ accounts can also be funded by sending a postal money order to the detention center or through GovPayNow. It should be noted that there is a service charge attached to this service.

In addition to this, the Sheriff’s office also provides access to an online portal which allows through which interested parties can perform an inmate search. However, this portal only contains information on arrests that occurred after the 27th of June, 2018.

Court Records

In South Carolina, Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over all criminal and civil cases.

How to get court records

The Pickens County Clerk of Court is responsible for maintaining all court records for the county. Interested parties who wish to obtain these records may do so by contacting the Office of the Clerk of Court located at 214 E Main St, Pickens, SC 29671. Queries can also be directed to (864) 898-5857. Record search requests cost $20 per name requested, which is exclusive of the cost for copies of these records.

Locations of all courts in the county

Pickens County Circuit Court & Family Court
214 East Main Street,
P.O. Box 215,
Pickens, SC 29671
Phone: (864) 898-5857 (Circuit Court)
Phone: (864) 898-5598 (Family Court)

Pickens County Probate Court
County Administration Facility
222 McDaniel Avenue, B-16,
Pickens, SC 29671
Phone: (864) 898-5903

Pickens County Magistrate Court - Central/Clemson
115 Commons Way, Suite B,
Central, SC 29630
Phone: (864) 639-8084
Phone: (864) 639-7976 (Preliminary Hearings)

Pickens County Magistrate Court - Easley
West End Hall
135 Folger Avenue,
Easley, SC 29640
Phone: (864) 850-7076

Pickens County Magistrate Court - Liberty
147 Kay Holcombe Road, Suite B,
Liberty, SC 29657
Phone: (864) 843-5821
Phone: (864) 843-5833 (Bad Checks)

Pickens County Magistrate Court - Pickens
216 C. David Stone Road,
Pickens, SC 29671
Phone: (864) 898-5552
Phone: (864) 898-5551 (Traffic)

Central Municipal Court
1067 West Main Street,
P.O. Box 549,
Central, SC 29630
Phone: (864) 639-6381 ext. 121

Clemson Municipal Court
1250 Tiger Blvd,
Suite 3,
Clemson, SC 29631
Phone: (864) 653-2045

Clemson University Municipal Court
G01-C Edgar Brown Union,
Clemson, SC 29634
Phone: (864) 656-5258

Easley Municipal Court
220 NW Main Street,
Easley, SC 29640
Phone: (864) 855-7915

Liberty Municipal Court
147 Kay Holcombe Road,
P.O. Box 716,
Liberty, SC 29657
Phone: (864) 843-3956

Norris Municipal Court
100 East Jamison Street,
P.O. Box N,
Norris, SC 29667
Fax: (864) 639-2033

Pickens Municipal Court
219 Pendelton Street,
P.O. Box 217,
Pickens, SC 29671
Phone: (864) 878-6421

Where and how to get Bankruptcy and Property Records

Interested parties who wish to obtain property records may do so by contacting the Pickens County Assessor 222 McDaniel Ave., B8, Pickens, S.C. 29671 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. Queries can also be directed to (864) 898-5872. This office also allows interested parties to get property information online through a Real Property Search portal which allows interested parties to search real property by owner’s names, account number, location address, parcel number and a number of other criteria.

The District of South Carolina, United States Bankruptcy Court handles all bankruptcy matters for Pickens County. Interested parties who wish to obtain these records should contact this court at its office located at Donald S. Russell Federal Building& U.S. Courthouse, 201 Magnolia Street, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29306 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Vital Records

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control maintains vital records for the state and issues copies of these records to qualified parties through its Vital Records office located at 2600 Bull St., Columbia, SC 29201. This office operates between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and can be contacted via (803) 898-3630. In addition to this, Pickens County also maintains and issues copies of some of these records locally. All interested parties who wish to obtain these records are required to have a valid government-issued photo ID.

How to get Divorce Records

Interested parties who wish to obtain certified copies of divorce decrees may do so by contacting the Pickens County Clerk of Court at 214 E Main St, Pickens, SC 29671. Requests for court records typically cost a minimum of $20. Queries can also be directed to (864) 898-5857.

In addition to this, the SCDHEC also issues copies of divorce reports for divorces that occurred between July 1962 and December 2014. Interested parties who wish to obtain these records are required to submit a completed application form in person or by mail to:

DHEC Vital Records
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Obtaining a copy of a divorce reports costs a non-refundable $12 search fee, with an extra $3 for every additional copy required.

It should be noted that certified copies of divorce reports can only be obtained by a named party on the record, an adult child of the divorced parties, a present or former spouse of either divorced party, or their respective legal representative.

How to get Marriage Records

Certified copies of marriage records may be obtained at the Pickens County Probate Court located at the Pickens County Administration Facility, 222 McDaniel Avenue, B-16, Pickens, SC 29671. Queries should be directed to (864) 898-5903.

Copies of marriage records for marriages that occurred between July 1950 and December 2016 can also be obtained from the SCDHEC by interested parties. These parties are required to submit a completed application form in person or by mail to:

DHEC Vital Records
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Copies of marriage certificates cost a non-refundable $12 search fee per record, with an extra $3 for every additional copy required.

Certified copies of marriage certificates are only available to the bride or groom named on the record, an adult child of the married, a present or former spouse of either married party or the married party's legal representative.

How to get Birth and Death Records

Interested parties may obtain copies of Birth or Death certificates from the Vital Records office of the SCDHEC. Interested parties are to complete either a Vital Records Birth Application or a Vital Records Death Application as required. The completed forms can be submitted in person or by mail to:

DHEC Vital Records
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Copies of birth/death certificates cost a non-refundable $12 search fee per record, with an extra $3 for every additional copy required.

Certified copies of birth/death certificates can only be obtained by an adult registrant, the registrant’s parents named on the certificate, an immediate member of the decedent’s family, a legal guardian or representative of any of the aforementioned and a party able to demonstrate a direct and tangible interest.

It should be noted that immediate family members and/or their respective legal representatives of the registrant may obtain a certified copy of a birth certificate if the registrant is deceased. However, they must submit an original, certified copy of the registrant's death record. Also, after 50 years, death certificates become public records and an uncertified copy may be obtained by any interested party who submits an application form and pays any applicable fees.

Pickens County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.